Not Another Weight Loss Blog Post!!

Hello Y’all! I hope this post finds you doing great in your corner of the world. If this is your first time stumbling on my blog Periwinkle Starr, you’re welcome! This is a lifestyle blog where I get to share all things worth living for from food, travel, fashion, health and so much more. So if this is right up your alley, then follow to get notified whenever I post a new blog.

I know, I know…if you’ve been following, you know that weight loss is something I love to write about not just because it’s something that I and a majority of the population have struggled with every now and then but because weight loss eliminates the risk of several illnesses and prolongs life. So, before you roll your eyes (wink), please read on and thank me later.

We’ve heard over and over that 80 percent of weight loss is attributed to your diet. Well, that isn’t entirely true. I recently embarked on a search to figure out why I wasn’t losing weight despite doing my best to eat right, exercise regularly, and maintain a positive outlook on the process. I WAS WRONG! And on so many levels. Here’s what I found out and I’ll share what actually worked in the last month and a half – six weeks; with me being down 12 pounds without starving myself. Before this, for the past two years, I couldn’t even lose 5-pounds no matter what I did.

Know Your Blood Type

I learned that your blood type has requirements for nourishment. It also determines whether you need to be physically active or you can get away with less exercise. I kid you not. This blew my mind and opened up a rabbit hole that I voluntarily decided to explore. For free information, my first stop was YouTube. I found the following channels:

  1. Ask Dr Anita PhD
  2. BioBalance Healthcast

Eliminate Stress From Your Life

Stress is a major blocker when it comes to weight loss. It affects your metabolism, your hormones, your bones, and even your ability to burn fat. If you are ready to lose weight fast, removing stress is a huge requirement. If you aren’t able to due to circumstances probably beyond your control like school or a stressful job, weight loss will be harder and it will take longer. It will also affect the body negatively because the body is already in a bad state to begin with.

Change Up Your Diet

After incorporating points 1 and 2, you’re ready to implement the third item which is changing up your diet. If you remember a previous post I made where I talked about a YouTuber that I follow named Plantiful Kiki who was overweight for so many years but was able to shed the weight and keep it off so many years after doing the Carb Diet or Carb Balance Diet, something along those lines. Well, I tried that diet and gained even more weight. But knowing my blood type and what it needs to be nourished, I can’t eat the Carb Diet. It won’t work or give me the same results as Kiki. And I feel there are tons of people who have given up hope of losing weight or not being able to keep it off long-term; not because the diets were bad but because that was someone else’s diet, and meant for someone with a different blood type.

Now Exercise!!! Exercise!!! Exercise!!!

Don’t complicate things by saying you need to join a gym or hire a trainer, all of these are good things but you can start small. Youtube has a plethora of short-circuit exercises you can begin with. Start walking whether on the treadmill or outside. Take the stairs. When you go grocery shopping, park a little distance from the entrance so you get more steps in. You can even start tracking your steps on a daily. All of these things are FREE!!

Get A Smart Scale…If you don’t already have one.

The reason smart scales are preferred in my book is because they give me a breakdown of everything including my weight, BMI, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Body Water, Visceral Fat, Bone Mass, BMR, Protein Intake, Fat Level, Subcutaneous Fat, Lean Body Mass, Body Type and Standard Weight. Having this information, I get to custom tweak my diet to improve.

Folks, If like me, you had practically given up on shedding those 10 or 20 pounds and accepted your fate that age had come to stay, I’m here to shake you out of that rot. You can have the best body in your later years if you’re ready to do these few tweaks. It’s worked for me and I almost cried when I saw the numbers on the scale. Illness is rampant in our world and we have so little control over many things but if you become an active participant in your life, success is inevitable!!

Until I come your way again, please like, follow, and subscribe.

Periwinkle Starr

Having the Courage to Walk Away.

Hello Y’all! I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. The eclipse is here and unfortunately, we have thunderstorms in my little corner in North Texas, so i probably won’t be seeing anything but rain and storm clouds. Over the weekend, some friends of mine and a few others helped organize an easter egg hunt which was fun for a community of kids but quite a workout for us the adults however, it was still fun, and the weather was gorgeous.

Today’s post is none other but ‘having the courage to walk away’. Life is beautiful and I believe it happens in stages and cycles, and not just physical growth alone. We keep on growing and advancing as we pass each phase and if we fail, life has a way of taking us back around until we pass the test – which could be anything from an area of growth needed in character, emotions, self-control or a literal test.

Growing up in a close-knit family with a bunch of siblings, I began to learn early about boundaries among my brothers and sisters such things like you couldn’t bite anyone else, pull their hair, fight over toys and things of that nature. As simple as this may sound, these rules began forming what I call ‘lines’ that I could not violate and should not be violated by others. I believe majority of the populace have this; but like anything that isn’t exercised regularly, over time, our lines become weak which can bring on a passivity that is neither healthy nor serve us long term.

Life and Relationships

I believe life has blessed us with relationships in every sphere and includes family relationships, love, friendships, business, religious, fitness, social groups and everything in between. Having healthy and wholesome relationships filled with genuine interest, care and respect is beneficial to all involved and does require some effort by the parties concerned for such things like showing up, being present and overall, just doing life together and all that it entails.

Sometimes in the course of these relationships, interactions may not be pleasant, some may be abusive, others demanding, unfair, non-supportive, flat out disrespectful, toxic and unhealthy. This occurs when the relationships do not positively add to our lives and well-being but take, devalue, disrespect and even in some cases are harmful to the individual or individuals concerned. Just from personal experiences and experiences shared with me by others in confidence voicing dissatisfaction, an absence of validation or not just getting anything close to what we’re giving or dishing out is all too real.

Instantly cutting people off or excluding oneself may not always be the first line of action for majority of us. But there comes a time when, one person can no longer shoulder the burden, is dissatisfied, unhappy and cannot see any change in sight; this is where I feel having the courage to move on is the best option. This could be temporary or in some cases, it may be permanent depending on the circumstances.

Some Reasons to Walk Away

*When a relationship tears down and isolates an individual instead of building up and flourishing in community.

*Blatant disrespect for one’s humanity.

*One sided pairing(s) that serve only one party ‘all-the-time’.

*Any kind of abuse – physical, verbal, emotional, mental etc.

*Toxicity – Need I say more.

Folks, I wrote this post not just for you all but for myself as well. Wherever you are in the world, know that you are a human being, and you deserve the dignity and respect to live, to thrive, to flourish and go after your dreams in life. As everyday people, we will always be a work in progress ourselves and those we are in community with. Living life in a healthy and safe environment with others is doable and possible. Sometimes we, need to have the courage to walk out of bad relationships so our eyes can be opened to the good all around us. For some, walking away may not be entirely possible, but I dare say that strengthening our boundaries will certainly go a long way.

Until I come your way again, please like, follow, and comment. 2024 feels like it’s going to be a unique year so let’s clean house and walk away from things that no longer mutually benefit us. I remain,

Periwinkle Starr

Getting Creative in an Inflation!

Hello Y’all! I hope you are doing well in your cozy corner of the world. Happy belated Valentines Day folks, which also happened to be Ash Wednesday. One of the fun traditions is having King Cake and finding the little Baby Jesus in a piece of cake where whoever finds the tiny toy gets to buy the cake next year. Any excuse to have a little more sugar in our lives is always a good thing…in my opinion.

Its already February and the race to the months end is on. In the last two years, depending on where you reside, there’s being a shortage of items and longer wait times on certain products. This, as I have heard has been worldwide but more felt in the western hemisphere. To add to this, we have slowly seen a descent into inflation here where the prices of items have literally doubled and in some cases tripled. When I look at the ongoing scarcity combined with rising costs of goods and services without much of a significant increase in pay, people from all strata of society are beginning to feel the pinch. There’s slowly a pull back because of a lot of uncertainty in the financial market but also government spending to the extent that I’ve dusted up all my cookbooks and decided to be more serious about incorporating a better way of meal planning but also carrying that through every sphere of daily living.

As simple as this may read, its seldom done. We had Snow-Megeddon in North Texas two years ago and people….and I mean with exotic cars and luxury lifestyles were in line for meal handouts because they lost their jobs, probably didn’t meal prep at home and never saw the need to stock up on groceries. It was a rude awakening on what could happen if the system collapses.

Create a list of what you like and find innovative and affordable options.

  • Salads – Instead of buying a single serve, why not opt for a pack of greens and condiments that give you several serves and are cheaper.
  • Granola – Instead of buying a pack that has a few serves and is pricy, make your own. There is a plethora of granola recipes online. I can share a few of mine if requested.
  • Cold pressed juices – These are vitamin bombs that boost your immune system. For those who love buying these refreshing 16oz drinks at your neighborhood grocery store, why not invest in a cold press juicer and make a batch that lasts you a week. All you need are the ingredients.
  • Baked confectionaries – This is great especially when you are being mindful of calories. Having baked goods at home reduces the urge to impulse buy baked treats that are pricey when out and about.
  • Bulk Meal Prepping – One thing I love to do is make big pots of stews and sauces that could be served with a plethora of food options like rice, quinoa, potatoes, pasta etc. This will cut down on eating out and reserve it for special occasions or when absolutely needed.

    Folks, there is worldwide uncertainty about the economic state of things. For the 95 percent of the populace who don’t really have a say in big governmental decisions, we are often the ones being reactive or like Texans love to say ‘Are left holding the bag’ after the damage has been done. We are being more conservative nowadays and trying to be smarter with money. I do hope this post has helped someone think about what’s going on in the world around us but also set ourselves up to not be reactive but proactive. Until I come your way again…feel free to share creative ways you have incorporated into your routines with me and others. Please like, comment and follow for more from

    Periwinkle Starr

    Happy 2024!!…..From Sub-Zero Temperatures.

    Happy Belated New Year!!! We made it to 2024. To all the readers all over the world, welcome – you made it and there’s a lot to be thankful for. Winter has just set in with our very first snow in North Texas. It was so cold but oh so beautiful. The powdery dust of soft snow blown about in the wind with the contrast of an overcast gloomy skyline. I love winter…just so I can layer on warm clothes, but also so I can stay home and nest.

    A New Year…..

    Curled up on my couch, snacks close by and drinks within reach, I’ve been thinking about the year and how different it feels from the past couple of years. We’ve had so much happen in the news, pop culture, and just everyday events that have already beginning to happen and we aren’t even a month into the year. I’m listening to the falling water of the fountain in the living room as I ponder on how best to adjust to all the goings on in the world around us. We have to keep on moving forward despite the uncertainty and constant surprises in the world. These are some tenets that I intend including in the Grand Plan for the new year.

    ֍   Keep It Simple.

    ֍   Rest Is Important

    ֍   Stay Active Any Chance You Get

    ֍   Cook More.

    ֍   Manage Your Time Effectively

    Folks, I’m sure there’s all kinds of things happening even in your corner of the world which we may not always have control over. But we can make the best use of every situation that comes our way. Be optimistic, keen and ready because its going to be a wonderful year ahead. Until I come your way again, stay warm and cozy!! I remain,

    Periwinkle Starr

    Soups Are In….Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hello Y’all! It’s that time of the year when the Yuletides begin. I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. It’s the eve of Thanksgiving and the streets are packed with people doing their last-minute shopping, and yours truly was one of them but also the Memorial Day of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The temperature has finally dropped and will not go up for a while so we can officially change out our summer gear for Fall and Winter clothing. I’m back to decluttering again and will continue to sift through the house for items that aren’t getting any use and wont in the near future which is fun but also a way to give back to those less fortunate.

    The cooler it gets, I yearn more for soups, I feel the need to bake and be a little easy on the diets because I know they won’t make it past the holidays…lol. But as I walked down the aisles of my local grocery store, I couldn’t help but scream internally at the level of inflation we currently have. Food items are double- and in some cases triple the price from just one year ago. THIS IS INSANE! Well, I will be dusting off my cookbooks and begin baking cookies at home. Honestly, it’s cheaper than spending an arm and a leg because quite frankly, the only way to overcome this impending hump of sky-high inflation is to be smarter with money…. but folks, that’s a post for another day.

    Soups are in but so is warm, fresh, homemade bread! The beauty about homemade food is it costs less, is more nutritious, you have control over the portions, and you know what the real ingredients and caloric densities are. After scouring the internet for healthy websites, I came across a website called ‘Eat This, Not That’, had a post listing a vast array of healthy soup options and I’ve selected 11 of my favorite recipes and others I’d like to try.

    Folks, the holidays are in and all diets are seemingly out…but there are delicious options available and yours truly will be trying each and every one of these recipes. Its been a whirlwind of a year and if you’re reading it, you are still kicking. I am thankful to you for reading my scribbles and wishing you and yours an amazing holiday season ahead. There’s more to come from Periwinkle Starr, so stay tuned, like and follow for more. Until I come your way again, I remain.

    Periwinkle Starr

    Finding Peace & Serenity in a Chaotic World!

    Hello Y’all! I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. Fall is officially here, and it’s been a joy to see 54 degrees instead of 114 degrees on a daily. Baking season is here and it’s time to dust off those pans. There’s something so comforting about baking at home with a warm drink in a cozy setting instead of being out on the town in this weather. I’ve had to bring my potted plants indoors because of the temperature drop happening over the next couple of days so it’s seriously getting there.

    There is a lot of unrest in the world today and in life generally. Some things we can control and others we can’t. My heart goes out to those affected by the ongoing tragedy in the Middle East. This is so tragic, and I wonder when it will end. A shout out to the Starr readers out there. We send good vibes your way and pray for safety.

    Today’s post is going to be a kitchen table blog so get comfy while I bake so get comfy, grab a drink and a snack and let’s go.

    Baking Banana Bread with a Twist!

    This is such an easy, go-to recipe because the ingredients are readily available for when I want to bake something that fixes my sweet tooth. For this recipe, I’m making it with a couple of new ingredients different from the original recipe and I must say it came our really good. I whipped this up late in the evening and these are the ingredients I used. There are no measurements on this one folks… I eyeballed everything!

    Ingredients: 2 Bananas – blended, shredded unsweetened coconut, vanilla extract, 1 egg, powdered sugar, GF flour, milk, olive oil, baking powder, raisins, a pinch of salt, a dash of nutmeg, lemon zest, and water

    Its Called Being Human.

    Give Yourself Time to Process Your Emotions. A lot of times we get so busy with life and just trying to make it through the day that we file things in our mental bank and never take the time to really experience and examine what we feel and why. It’s a scientifically proven fact that untreated emotions erode the body’s ability to fight disease.

    Finding Your Way Through Therapeutics. For some, taking a walk helps, for others running, some like spas, retreats, others may just prefer to schedule a personal sloppy day while a few concerning instances will need medication.

    Finding Safe and Healthy Outlets. Whether its counselling, talking to a safe confidant or joining a healing group. Outside of counselling groups, I feel certain churches also have safe groups that people can unburden themselves.

    Control your Personal Space the Best You Can. We live in a world where we have no control over what happens on a daily, but we can control what we let in our space. A famous saying is ‘The world is going to hell in a hand basket’, it doesn’t mean you have to. Keep the crazy outside.

    Journaling Helps. I believe this is vital because it forces your brain to remember. It’s often said the human body will do anything to keep us alive even to the extent for wiping your memory to shield us from the trauma or shock of an event. Journalling unlocks the mind and helps release details we often thought were forgotten.

    Rest. Don’t let outside distractions affect your rest. You can only do and be for yourself the best you can. Overstretching yourself and people pleasing will not help long term and only builds resentment.

    Try to Live Life from the Inside out and Not Vice Versa. The latter is dangerous because you will get dragged into everything that flies by on a daily basis. When you are at peace and centered on the inside, you don’t easily fumble for every whim that life throws your way.

    Folks I’m so glad you’re here and reading this post. Please like, share and comment. We are in the ember months so it’s getting close to the end of another great year. Be safe, upbeat and positive until I come your way again. I remain

    Periwinkle Starr

    Beautiful Chicago!

    Hello Y’all! I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. Summer lingers on while Fall attempts to creep in. Nevertheless, we’re not going to let that stop us from living life. Today’s post is a travel blog of sorts with a lot of architectural marvels of …you guessed it – CHICAGO! Often called the windy city or the Midwest hub. If you can think about it, this city has it – from beautiful beaches, freshwater fronts, architectural skylines, parks, museums, boat tours, restaurants, night life and the famous set of the Dark Knight Batman movie amongst many others. In my opinion, I think it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the United States and the world.

    A Little History!

    The land belonged to the Pottawatomie Native Americans who first resided there however the city reportedly began in the 17th century with the arrival of Missionaries, French explorers and fur traders and with its first census in 1880, was deemed the largest city in America till this day. The original city burned down in 1871 due to a lady named Catherine O’Leary whose cow kicked a bucket that started a fire that razed the then predominantly wood framed city to the ground. After this horrendous incident, the city began its rebuild using sturdier and more durable materials. Like every major city in America, it’s had its past being one of the centers for what we know as the ‘Retail Kings’ in America. These were powerful men that formed what we call are favorite franchise stores across the world, but it also served as a hot spot for a lot of the Hollywood legends the likes of Marilyn Monroe.

    So Much to Do in the City!

    The City of Chicago is a beautiful and great place to visit given its rich history, great food and tons of sights that are worth visiting. With so much to see and very little time, the obvious route was to pick a couple of iconic attractions to visit. These were mine! The city is on three levels…. or elevations. You need to visit to fully grasp what that means.

    1. The Chicago Bean originally named Cloud Gate was designed by an Indian-born British artist and consists of 168 polished steel plates welded together.
    2. The Navy Pier which is a 3300-foot-long pier that sits on the shoreline of Lake Michigan with tons of shops, restaurants, gardens.
    3. The Architectural Boat Tour (Night). If you’re a visual learner, this tour is a quick way to enjoy the rich architecture and history of some amazing buildings while floating along the Chicago River. The night tour is the best in my opinion because you get to enjoy the contrast of the lights from the buildings against the backdrop of the night sky.
    4. Chicago Riverwalk. This is a tiered lower level meant for pedestrians only and has restaurants, shops with views of the water and party boats while the city bustles above.
    5. Chicago Bus Tours. These were great. Grab a jacket and don’t forget to duck when driving through neighborhoods with overhanging tree branches. (

    Folks, there was so much to see and so little time. Like any city in America, each has its pros and cons, and the City of Chicago is not exempt. We had a great time and look forward to going back when we get a chance. Getting to see a little bit more of the world around me not only makes me appreciate the history but also how far we have evolved. Until I come your way again, I hope you stay safe and upbeat!

    Periwinkle Starr

    Fitness on the Road: It’s Doable!

    Hello Y’all! How are you and I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. Summer is here and we have slowly eased our way into triple digit temperatures in North Texas. A slew of air conditioning complaints, multiple breakdowns and power companies requesting light use and conservation during peak times…. the whole shebang! Anyway, the weather has been better today, and we just might be able to be outside for a little while. It’s been super busy, and I have had this post waiting in the wings for some time now. But alas! it’s done.

    One of the things that irk me when I’m on the road but also something that I hear often from friends and coworkers is how difficult it is to maintain their fitness goals when traveling. I know a lot of you might say ‘It’s simple! Just stick to the plan’, but to be honest, it’s easier said than done and I have by no means figured it ALL out but I’m going to share what I’ve learned from friends that has motivated me to keep it up. These tips are not only simple but work if you commit to it. These are tips gleaned from a few friends, coworkers and of course the internet, so please stay with me.

    Another List!

    *Look up your hotel for fitness amenities or gyms close by.

    *Pack your trainers…with the intent to use them.

    *Try not to get ravenously hungry too often because it will lead to unhealthy choices.

    *At meals, substitute, substitute, substitute…for healthy options, veggies or have dessert and plan on working out later. Finding balance where you’re not deprived and yet not overindulging.

    *Travel with a scale. I know some might see this as over kill but I first learned this from a YouTube influencer who said it helped keep him on track; and knowing he had to weigh first thing in the morning, he tried to make better choices with food and being active during the day. Now this may be a bit much for some but if you’re looking to shed some serious pounds, this will work in conjunction with a lean-er diet.

    *Try to rest. I find that on road trips, there a lot of late nights, tons of meetings and work that needs to be done. Try to sleep early and wind down so your body is rested even with late nights or days when you have minimal hours.

    *Try to get some sun…..if you can’t, taking vitamin D supplements daily will help.

    *Keep up your hydration. These days we have apps, reminders or just good ol water bottles – Do whatever works best for you.

    Well folks, there you have it…a few tips that can help you and yours truly stay on track when we’re on the road. It is a balancing act and a lot of commitment but, it does work. Staying healthy is becoming an anomaly these days, so keep striving to give your body a fighting chance. Until I come your way again, be safe and stay in shape.

    For the lovers of all things random out here….a few photos for your viewing pleasure. The Lord knows we need a lot more randomness in our lives. Enjoy!

    Periwinkle Starr!

    What I’ve Learned From Fashion: Then vs Now

    Hello Yall! I hope you are doing well in your corner of the world. Its been a minute since my last post and I’m so glad to be back and writing again. It still feels like Spring in North Texas which is so nice that I’m not worried about what Summer is going to be like this year. If you’ve been with me on this journey, fashion is something I have always loved and admired albeit from a distance. Over the years, my sense of fashion has evolved and looking back, it’s so fun to see what my style was then versus now. And I must say, a lot has changed. This post isn’t intended to be sexist but as a lady, I can only speak from that standpoint so guys, please bear with me.

    I dress for my body type and undertone. I’ve done this so many times in the past where I purchase an item of clothing just because it looked great on a model or mannequin or buying a dress with the goal of fitting into it LATER….Haha guilty as charged. Thats over and done with. I dress for now, for today. The future will come, and I will be ready.

    I embrace bold colors. I remember when I was younger being told that wearing bright colors would be too ‘shouty’ of a look. Being able to break out of that mold and add a splash of color has been so refreshing and indeed liberating. Whether its lipstick, a nice blazer or shoes, bright colors have a way of lifting your mood and making things vibrant.

    Getting Rid of the bulk and Investing in a few good quality pieces. Over the last couple of years, I started decluttering my wardrobe. Of course, there are keepsakes that I will always hold unto, but I started getting rid of things I rarely used and began donating them to those less fortunate and who would use them rather than sitting in my closet year after year. The more I decluttered, the lighter my space became and the less stressed I was especially when I had to find something in a hurry.

    There’s a thin line between preserving relics and hoarding. I recently watched a documentary that linked hoarding to mental instability in an otherwise functioning adult. A lot of our grandparents and great grandparents endured the great depression where lack and not having enough was their reality. Unfortunately, when the wars were over and everything went back to normal a lot of them didn’t believe that things would remain the same, so the saved, and saved some more until it became …..Hoarding. Getting rid of old makeup and using up what products I currently have are some of my goals going forward.

    Having good quality essential items….at all times. For women these will include good quality under garments, dresses, shoes, outwear items for all seasons. Have a closet thats ready to go. You don’t need to rush to the store every time you have an event, engagement or occasion. Go window shopping in your spare time. Look for deals. Take your time and find quality pieces. When you rush to the shops when you’re in a hurry, you may end up buying something in a hurry, buying out of desperation and buying something you may wear only a few times because it was the best you could do in that moment.

    Skincare and overall wellness is key. Having a consistent skincare regimen and treating yourself to a spa at least twice a year. This doesn’t have to be some highly scary expensive feat either. A lot of ingredients can be purchased at your local grocery store or online at Amazon. Having an at home detox regimen. This includes magnetic clay soaks, Epsom salt soak with essential oils to remove toxins acquired from the environment around you.

    Eat more fresh and less processed foods. When you are healthy, you feel good and when you feel good, you look great.

    Folks, along the way, its normal to morph into your own sense of fashion and develop your own style. Even if you have a personal shopper or closet assistant, there comes a time where you know what you like and what looks best on your body but better still, you know how the clothing you wear makes you feel. Comfort and confidence are a match made in heaven when it comes to personal style. Until I come your way again, feel free to share your do’s and don’ts and how your sense of fashion has evolved then versus now.

    Periwinkle Starr

    P,S.: Photos are culled from FreePik.

    Skincare – A Vast Array of Options and Alternatives.

    Hello Y’all! I hope you are doing great in your corner of the world. I’m back with a new post as promised and I have to say that the weather in North Texas has been wonderful even though we’ve had thunderstorms and the occasional tornado warning. I almost feel like when it comes to the weather, we can’t ever be happy…lol. Anyway, with Spring comes planting season, and I have added new indoor Pothos plants to the house. I’ve been told that these are low maintenance plants that can survive with minimal effort so, wish me luck!

    Skin is the one organ we as humans all have in common and writing a blog on skincare is a topic that intrigues me because it’s so vast and is certainly not a one size fits all. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it tells a story about your health, your age and where you’ve been. Some people were gifted with amazingly good skin that requires little or no maintenance while others may need to be intentional and work at keeping their skin vibrant, healthy and youthful. But it doesn’t matter what kind of skin we have; we have a responsibility to take care of it the best way we possibly can. I haven’t written on skincare in a very long time, but I feel it’s time to revisit the subject – but from a different perspective. I love learning new things, new information but also gleaning from aestheticians, specialists and naturopaths; and yes, random folk are some of the avenues I’ve gleaned from the most and I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with you so grab a drink and a snack and get cozy!!

    Hydration is Everything. I only learned this very recently that majority of people going about their daily lives are dehydrated. That included yours truly before I started making a conscious effort to hydrate on a daily basis. When the body is hydrated with clean, refreshing WATER, the skin is supple, blood flows unrestricted and toxins can be flushed out. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body. I swapped out tea for lemon water for about two years now, and even though I miss the kick, my cravings have slowly died down to where I don’t even reach for it anymore.

    Eating a Balanced Diet. Foods rich in fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, protein from plant and animal sources and healthy carbs. Olive oil, Avocadoes, Nuts, Carrots, Seafood fortify the skin and slow down the aging process. Also discovering what my body needs has helped me know how best to fuel it. Everyone is different.

    Have a Skin Cleansing Regimen. Whether you’re a guy or gal, having a skin care regimen is key. Some have a simple routine and others go a little bit on the extreme, but the bottom line is to just have one. There is no judgement on your preference. Hygiene is a very important aspect of skincare. In this post pandemic world, we live in, its ideal to shower at least once a day. The thought of climbing into bed after an activity filled day makes my skin itch.

    Be Openminded. In chatting with people across the board, I have heard so many different ways of caring for my skin. I mean from all-natural products all the way up to the latest scientific gadgets; some of which cost an arm and a leg. It has been intriguing to learn so many different ways. You can never know until you try and sometimes getting things done using technological enhancements or procedures may be the best route for some. For others, its a combination of both so called ‘extremes’.

    Use a Water Based Moisturizer. Lotions without any of the nasty chemicals. Serums and natural oils responsibly sourced are also great for the skin Ex. Olive, Almond, Vitamin E oils.

    Post Pandemic? …You Have Options. Here are some products that help. Antibacterial soaps and washes. Sugar scrubs. A pumice stone for your feet. Feminine washes for the ladies – those that contain tea tree oil are great. Clean razors and shaving creams. Waxes. Facial washes and scrubs. Exfoliators. Toners and Astringents. Masks. Safe sulphate free shampoos. Face clothes, loofas, body brushes and sponges.

    Sunscreen is Vital. We all need protection from UV-rays.

    Check out my last post on skincare here: Cosmetic Products…Phase or Maze

    Folks, I had a blast writing this post and still feel that I have so much more to learn about skincare. I don’t think we will ever get to a point where we’ve nailed down the perfect routine quite frankly because technology is always changing and scientific breakthroughs these days are a dime a dozen. However, having an open mind to learn and experience new options have helped me a whole lot. Until I come your merry way again, please like, follow and share your thoughts on your own skincare routine. Be safe and upbeat!

    Periwinkle Starr

    P.S.: Majority of the photos used in this post are culled from Freepik.