
If you’re looking for practical vanlife advice, this blog isn’t it. If you’re looking for idyllic pictures of glasses of wine in front of mountain sunsets, this isn’t it either! Trying out vanlife is our way of downsizing from the material world and trying to find our way back to our true spiritual nature.

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Wonder Child

I had to smile the other day when I read a quote from William Shakespeare. It was in French so I’m paraphrasing: moaning about a past unpleasant experience is a surefire way to attract another one. So The Hard was a Law Of Attraction fan! I often find that travel on public transport provides a…

Pleasant Encounters

As I’ve mentioned before, Frog and I like reading or listening to our horoscopes. Recently, mine said, “Today you’ll have a pleasant encounter if you accept looking at the other person without judgement.” I wouldn’t say that whatever the forecast says necessarily influences my day but sometimes it’s at the back of my mind. This…


John Buchan said that “Every man at the bottom of his heart believes that he is a born detective.” This is something that I can definitely relate to. Since childhood, I was a big fan of mystery solving books and my story-writing often involved me solving crimes and murders (yes, makes a change from princes…

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