The Role of Empathy in Building Strong LGBTQ Relationships: Lessons from EORTV

15 MAY, 2023


Empathy is a fundamental component of healthy relationships, but it holds even greater significance in the context of LGBTQ+ love. EORTV, a streaming platform that has become a hub for LGBTQ Web Series, has showcased the importance of empathy in queer relationships through its diverse range of Web Series and movies. In this blog, we will explore the significance of empathy in LGBTQ+ relationships and how EORTV has portrayed this aspect in its content.

The LGBTQ+ community often faces unique challenges when it comes to building and maintaining relationships, including societal discrimination and stigmatization. These challenges can make it difficult for individuals to feel seen, heard, and understood. However, empathy can play a critical role in helping individuals in queer relationships feel validated and supported.

One show that effectively highlights the role of empathy in queer relationships is the American comedy-drama series "Please Like Me". The show follows the life of a young gay man as he navigates relationships, family, and mental health struggles. Throughout the series, the importance of empathy is showcased, as the main character and his friends show compassion and understanding towards each other's struggles. This helps them build deeper connections and creates a supportive environment for them to thrive.

Another notable example is from the German drama "Dark Blue Girl", which revolves around a young woman who struggles to come to terms with her sexuality in a conservative environment. The show effectively showcases the role of empathy in queer relationships, as the main character's girlfriend shows immense support and understanding toward her struggles. Her empathy not only helps the main character feel seen and heard but also fosters a deeper connection between the two.

The Dutch movie "Boys" is another poignant portrayal of the role of empathy in queer relationships. The movie follows a group of teenage boys as they explore their sexuality and navigate the complexities of relationships. Throughout the Web Series, the importance of empathy is highlighted, as the characters show compassion and understanding toward each other's struggles. This creates a safe and supportive environment for them to navigate their challenges and build strong connections with each other.

In conclusion, empathy is a critical component of any healthy relationship, but it holds even greater significance in the context of LGBTQ+ love. EORTV's commitment to showcasing diverse queer stories has highlighted the importance of empathy in queer relationships. The platform has effectively showcased how empathy can help queer individuals feel seen and heard, and also foster deeper connections between partners. Ultimately, empathy can help queer individuals navigate the challenges they face and build strong and lasting relationships.