This Scotts 46572×8 came to me last year for free. I had posted on the NextDoor App looking for free equipment to work on. I was happily surprised to get so many pieces of equipment for free. The previous owner of this machine gave me another free riding mower in addition to this one.

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red and white stihl recoil engine

How does a chainsaw brake work? The chainsaw brake is a seemingly simple mechanism that plays a crucial role in operator safety by stopping the chain’s rotation in critical situations. This article delves into the inner workings of a chainsaw brake, exploring its components, activation methods, and how it contributes to safe chainsaw operation.

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chainsaw on top of a pile of wood

Like any powerful tool, chainsaws require proper care and maintenance to function safely and efficiently. One common issue chainsaw users encounter is a bent chain. A bent chain not only hinders cutting performance but can also pose a safety risk.

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lumberjack sawing birch branch

The powerful whir of a chainsaw can be intimidating, especially for those new to wielding this formidable tool. But don’t let its size fool you! Chainsaws are incredibly versatile and can be used to tackle a variety of tasks, including efficiently cutting small logs for firewood, crafting projects, or clearing brush. However, cutting small logs with a chainsaw requires a slightly different approach than handling larger ones.

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photo of person using chainsaw

The satisfying growl of a chainsaw ripping through wood can be music to the ears of anyone tackling a yard project or professional working in forestry or landscaping. But what happens when the familiar pull of the cord is met with a disheartening resistance, leaving your chainsaw stubbornly silent? This common issue – a seized chainsaw with a stuck pull cord – can be frustrating, but fear not! This article equips you with the knowledge and steps to diagnose the cause and potentially get your chainsaw back in action.

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photo of chainsaw on ground

What happens when that powerful chainsaw roar diminishes to a weak sputter or, worse yet, silence? In some cases, the culprit could be low compression in your chainsaw’s engine. This article equips you with the knowledge to diagnose low compression and explore potential solutions to get your chainsaw back in action.

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