
Here’s What Causes Low Back Pain and It’s Not What You Think


Bottom Line:

Most people – over 80% of the world’s population – will have low back pain at some point in their life.

It is true, I assure you.

It’s also true that the majority of people in our neighborhood have thought of visiting Austin, Texas, for low back pain therapy.

But what specifically causes low back pain?

The majority of us erroneously believe that every back discomfort we feel must be related to a single incident.

When you lifted a crate that was just a little too hefty.

When you were struck squarely in the back by a baseball.

The time you were attempting to pick up some important papers while squatting on the floor. When your best friend’s son decided to attempt The Rock’s (real name Dwane Johnson) infamous “People’s Elbow” on you (true story).

In reality, your prolonged low back pain is typically caused by a number of different events.

Let’s examine the low back in more detail and discuss several remedies for persistent low back discomfort.

Why it Matters:

Let’s start with some basic anatomy.

The five bones that make up your low back, known as the lumbar vertebrae, each have spinal discs in between them.

Your spinal cord goes through your spinal column and splits out to the left and right sides in between each vertebra. These bones serve to protect it.

A number of ligaments, tendons, and muscles support the amazing structure that is your spine.

The “true” cause of your back pain is likely becoming more obvious now that you know that.

What Causes Low Back Pain

As it turns out, low back pain frequently arises as a result of a stress on a specific section of your spine exceeding your body’s capacity to handle and adapt to that stress.

Of course, if the pressure on one particular section of the spine increases too much, an injury could result.

In terms of what particularly causes low back pain, sprains and strains, spinal disc bulges and herniations, and facet joint problems are the most frequent ailments connected to low back pain (misalignments, adhesions, etc).

The good news is that with the proper care, these injuries typically heal very fast.

We’ve assisted a lot of Austin, Texas residents seeking low back pain treatment. Like you, discover natural relief from their low back pain right here in our office.

To combine all of that…

  • Long-lasting low back pain can be brought on by and contributed to by abnormal motion of the spinal joints and other tissues in your low back.
  • Spinal adjustments were discovered to be more beneficial than NSAIDs for the treatment of low back pain in a double-blinded, randomized controlled experiment.
  • Additionally, there is significant evidence from research that says regular chiropractic treatments may help stop future episodes of low back discomfort.

Next Steps: 

So what can you do to get your low back pain under control?

What the researchers have discovered and what we have observed in our practice in terms of the causes of low back pain and how it should be treated are in agreement.

The greatest method to lower your chance of developing low back pain is to take an active approach to maintaining the health of your spine.

Simple actions you may do to keep your low back in top condition include daily mobility, dynamic stretching, regular exercise, and continued frequent chiropractic adjustments.

And know that we’re here to help, whether it’s been a while since your last adjustment, you’re finally ready for your first, or you’re searching for suggestions on the stretches and exercises that make the most sense for you.

We are here to you and offer organically based low back pain therapy in Austin, Texas and elsewhere.

Just give us a call!

Science Sources: 

Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Low Back Pain. Spine. 2011.

Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Placebo. Spine. 2013.

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