
Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery


Bottom Line:

Have you ever experienced sciatica pain that causes you to immediately stop in your tracks or drop to your knees?

Perhaps after a simple cough or sneeze, or as you leaned down to pick something up, your low back “locked-up” and pain rushed down your leg.

Talk about one of your worst surprises ever!

And it can be terrifying.

After all, a serious condition must be to blame for such intense pain.

As the top chiropractor in Austin, Texas, we’re here to tell you that might not be the case.

In truth, it can be easier than you think to find techniques to treat sciatica back pain.

Why it Matters:

Let’s start with the common factors that lead to sciatica back pain.

Sciatic pain frequently results from the nerves in your low back being compressed by a spinal disc, extra bone, or overgrown ligaments.

These nerves pass via your feet, the backs of your legs, and your buttocks.

You might be surprised to find that as we age, disc bulges and herniations become quite common, and that most of the time they don’t hurt.

That’s correct.

We’ve seen it first-hand more times than we can count as the go-to neighborhood chiropractor in Austin, Texas, for treating sciatica.

You may currently have a number of spinal disc problems that aren’t hurting you.

However, your body would almost likely alert you to the situation with a sharp pain if a nerve in your low back were to become “pinched.”

Your discomfort may have you believing that the only option to “repair” your bulging or ruptured disc is to remove it via surgery in order to cure your sciatica back pain.

However, that’s not always the case.

Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain

We’ve discovered, and research confirms, that conservative non-invasive therapies like those provided in our office are among the best ways to treat and relieve sciatica back pain.

Put away the scalpel.

Consider spinal adjustments, exercise, and stretching.

According to research, each of these treatment approaches may be able to lessen the pinching or compression on your spinal nerves and hence offer clinically substantial relief from the excruciating sciatica symptoms.

Let’s take a closer look…

  • Your spinal joints can be moved carefully to assist lessen the swelling and discomfort brought on by a sciatica attack.
  • Patients in a recent study with herniated lumbar discs experienced higher relief (almost 60% more) from spinal adjustments than from spinal injections, the researchers found.
  • Surgery should only be used as a last resort because it is thought that less than 5% of patients with sciatica are suitable candidates for it.

Next Steps: 

Let’s set the record straight once and for all…

You don’t have to just learn to put up with the pain until surgery is necessary if you have sciatica pain; there is no need to wait till then.

Most persons with disc problems and sciatica can recover from their conditions with chiropractic care.

And one of them can be you.

There are more ways to cure sciatica back pain, and the first step is to consult an Austin, Texas, chiropractor who specializes in the condition.

Your spinal discs can recover, and we’re here to help. Your spine is also robust.

Simply give us a call to get going!

Science Source: 

Nerve Root Injections. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013.

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