
Why Expecting Families May Want a Chiropractor on Their Wellness Team 


Bottom Line:

Did you know that over 85% of pregnant woman of expecting families reportedly experience back pain?

If that number surprised you, I have another question for you.

Did you know that a pregnant woman’s baby pulls her center of gravity forward as she reaches her second and third trimesters, increasing the curve in her low back?

Now that number is probably making more if not absolute sense.

We are aware that most expectant moms will feel some degree of elevated low back tension, and that elevated stress frequently results in back discomfort.

What choices are there for pain management to alleviate these pregnancy-related pains?

Continue reading (especially if you’ve been seeking for a chiropractor in Austin, Texas, who treats back discomfort during pregnancy).

Why it Matters:

In order to complete this conversation, we have one more question for you.

Did you know that spinal adjustments are regarded as a very safe, reliable, and scientifically supported treatment choice for aches and pains associated with pregnancy?

It’s likely that you did, and the reason you’re here is to discover how chiropractic care might relieve pregnancy pain.

We can attest that you are in the right place.

In addition to providing gentle and non-invasive adjustments, chiropractors are competent at advising moms on stretches and exercises that are appropriate for their condition and stage in order to manage their discomfort.

And get this.

According to a recent study, patients who attended both an OB-GYN and a chiropractor saw more pain relief and higher levels of quality of life than those who just saw an OB-GYN.

Here are some key points to remember as you consider chiropractic care…

  • An estimated 92% of pregnant women of expecting families receive advice from their doctor to exercise.
  • Pregnancy neck and mid-back pain can be significantly reduced with the correct pillows and stretches.
  • With the right spinal adjustments, mechanical low back discomfort that pregnant women feel can frequently be eased.

Next Steps: 

It’s necessary to provide one more important detail regarding how chiropractic therapy might relieve pregnancy pain.

It is estimated that over 90% of expectant women are highly satisfied with their chiropractic care.

It makes sense that one of the most popular healthcare options for expectant mothers is chiropractic!

So, if you or any pregnant woman in the area wants to reduce stress, stay active, and have fewer aches and pains, you might want to consider including a chiropractor on your birth team.

We would be happy to assist you, and our knowledgeable team is ready to go.

Science Source: 

Optimizing Pain Relief During Pregnancy. Canadian Family Physician. 2013.

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